Search Results for: broadcast chat


New Feature Alert! Send One-Way Messages to Chat Groups

Hear ye! Hear ye! We are happy to announce the release of a new feature on Voxer – Broadcast Chat,..

You Just Upgraded Your Voxer Account, Now What?

You Just Upgraded Your Voxer Account, Now What?

At Voxer our goal was to make our app intuitive and simple to use. We aim to provide rapid and..

Off to the Races! Running a Political Campaign on Voxer.

Off to the Races! Running a Political Campaign on Voxer.

Ivan Raiklin is a US Senate Candidate. His communication platform of choice: Voxer. We recently spoke with him and his..

How Effective Communication Allows Logistics Teams to Deliver the Best Customer Service

How Effective Communication Allows Logistics Teams to Deliver the Best Customer Service

For on-demand logistics and delivery teams, there is nothing more important than customer satisfaction.  The lack of an adequate communication..

Bringing Communities Together with an Audio Messaging App

Bringing Communities Together with an Audio Messaging App

It’s quite amazing to see the various use cases of Voxer across the world. From an active educator community, book..

Voxer PRO: Take your team communication to the next level

Voxer PRO: Take your team communication to the next level

What is Voxer PRO? Voxer PRO is a premium version of Voxer with additional features to optimize your team communication..


Voxer for Apple Watch: Messaging Made More Convenient Than Ever

By: Irv Remedios, President We’ve been cranking out lots of new Voxer features lately – Broadcast Chat, Starring, and Message..


Get a Voxer Pro Membership, Plant 50 Trees

Happy Earth Day! In honor of Earth Day we want to tell you about Trees for the Future, a non-profit..

5  Reasons Why Your On-Demand Business Needs Real-Time Voice Communication

5 Reasons Why Your On-Demand Business Needs Real-Time Voice Communication

One of the most important decisions an on-demand business has to make is how to effectively communicate between field employees and..

Re-imagining live communication for the on-demand economy

Re-imagining live communication for the on-demand economy

On-demand services are just beginning to hit their stride, and the market opportunity is massive. The on-demand economy has revolutionized..