Author: Sara
New update alert! Android Voxer users, we recently released Voxer for Android, version 1.3.2. The new update includes new features..
Independent technology blog, TruTower recently did a week long series covering all things Voxer. TruTower is the only tech blog completely..
It’s been a long while since we posted on Walkie Wednesday, so we figured it was about time we brought..
Last week we launched Voxer for Web, the complete Voxer experience, now available on your desktop or laptop. Voxer for..
Time to update! Today we’re excited to announce the launch of iOS version 2.7.3 for both consumer and Voxer Business..
It’s here! This week we officially launched Voxer for Web. The same Voxer walkie talkie experience you know and love..
As some of you may remember, not too long ago, we held a contest in celebration of International Talk Like..