Tag: Private Chats
Private Chats are end-to-end encrypted messages that can only be seen or heard by you and the person who is receiving your message via Voxer. No one has access to these messages, not even us.
Text, audio, pictures, videos, and GIFs can be sent through end-to-end encrypted messages within private chats.
Uh-oh, logged out of your account? Fear not. Don’t let the dreaded lockout get your down. Whether you want to..
Our Private Chats feature just got even better! Private Chats is is now available with multi-device support with the latest..
The new Private Chats feature gives all Voxer users the option to send end-to-end encrypted messages. End-to-end encryption essentially means that the only..
Voxer is proud to roll out Private Chats: end-to-end encrypted chats, available now for everyone on the latest version of Voxer..