Stop Making These 4 Customer Service Mistakes
Whether your business is hospitality, event management, field services, or transportation, the heartbeat of your business relies on your customer service. Poor customer service can make or break your customer’s experience, leaving them singing your praises to their friends and family, or refusing to use your service ever again.
Providing exceptional customer service requires exceptional communication within your organization. Business operations must move as smoothly as possible. For years, businesses have relied on two-way radios and walkie talkies as their communication solution, but in the age of smartphones and mobility, walkie talkies can no longer be relied upon to provide for the needs of your business communication. Voxer Business can change that.
1. No Accountability: One of the core problems with walkie talkies is a lack of accountability. Unless you are available to hear the message live when it is received, the message is lost. Missing an important message can completely change the course of an event or job at a specific site. What’s worse, with walkie talkies you don’t know where that employee is, who they are with, or sometimes even who is speaking.
Voxer Business holds you and your entire staff accountable with a timestamp and location data sent with every single message. Additionally, you no longer need to worry about missing crucial information because every message on Voxer Business is both live and recorded, so if you are not available to receive a message in real-time, you can go back and listen later. The ability to listen to previous messages eliminates “he said, she said” scenarios and holds your entire team accountable.
2. Slow Response Time: Phone calls and text messages are problematic because they create unnecessary back and forth. If someone on the other end of a call is unavailable, it requires leaving a voicemail and calling back. Relaying information through text messages is time consuming and leaves too much room for error (autocorrect anyone?).
While the average length of a phone call is three minutes, the average message on Voxer is 6-8 seconds. Simply open your phone, select your chat, push the talk button and your message is sent. Relaying information faster means that employees receive information faster and can act quicker to deliver the best possible experience for your customers.
3. Poor Management: If the heartbeat of your business is customer service, management is the brain. Businesses can’t operate optimally without proper management. Walkie-talkies leave managers frazzled and jumping between channels to manage multiple people at the same time. Managing employees with phone calls is interruptive of everyone’s time, makes group coordination difficult, and will cost a fortune in call minutes.
With the Voxer Business Manager, company administrators can setup all employees in one central place, add and remove users, and segment employees into teams. Additionally, managers can create different teams segmented by location, team, job function, or whatever suits the needs of the business, and talk with individuals or with groups of up to 500 people. Moreover, managers can easily manage employees from their office with Voxer for Web, using the same push-to-talk functionality of Voxer Business on desktops and laptops to connect desk bound workers with workers in the field.
4. Interruptions: Walkie-talkies are loud, clunky and incredibly disruptive. With messages streaming out of walkie-talkies, employees are quickly reaching to turn them down so your customers will not be disturbed. This is problematic because messages are then missed and critical information is not received. Not to mention, it takes away attention from your customers and the task at hand.
This can be avoided with Voxer Business because you choose how interruptive messages are. Choose between vibrate alerts, beep alerts, extreme notifications (really loud beep alerts, which are great for noisy environments), or choose to stream messages to a wired headset withwalkie talkie mode. Customize notifications for the needs of your business.
Avoid these customer service pitfalls with Voxer Business’ flexible push-to-talk solution. Voxer Business costs $9.95/month/user with no contracts and works on any network or device. If you have questions about Voxer Business, please email our sales team at