Voxer Office Blood Drive

Without our community, Voxer wouldn’t be possible. Our community is what inspires us to continually strive to be better. To show our appreciation, we hosted a Voxer office blood drive this week to donate blood for those in need of blood transfusions.

Working with the Blood Centers of the Pacific, Voxer employees happily took a little stick in the arm to give some blood. Despite the needles, the Voxer team was all smiles.

The bus arrived bright and early and one by one Voxer employees hopped on the bus. The best part of course (as anyone who has given blood knows) was the snacks and juice afterwards to restore our blood sugar. All-in-all, we had a great time and were happy that we were able to give back. We are planning more community outreach days later this year, so be on the lookout for upcoming blog posts.

We would love to hear about issues that matter to you. If you have suggestions or believe in a cause that you think would be a good choice for Voxer to dedicate a day to, please let us know.

And if you and your company are interested in hosting your own blood drive, please contact Blood Center of the Pacific

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