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'Your App Lady' Loves Voxer!

When we found out that Voxer was featured on a recent “Your App Lady” podcast we couldn’t help but reach out. Luckily, Your App Lady agreed to contribute to the Voxer blog. Learn more on how she uses Voxer to run her business and communicate with other entrepreneurs.

By Betsy Furler, Your App Lady

Voxer is one of my very favorite apps. As “Your App Lady”, I know about many many apps and Voxer is one of my daily staples. Voxer has been key to my productivity and support in my business.

I use Voxer for two main purposes.

I use it to communicate with my administrative assistant daily. She works at night frequently and can Vox me when she is working and I am asleep. When I wake up, I can easily reply. It’s so much easier for quick communications than going through calling a phone number and leaving a voice message. It’s also much quicker to respond to.

It’s better than texting because I get so many text messages in a day, they can easily get overlooked. I will also send her screenshots and other photos via Voxer. If I can’t talk, I can listen to her Voxer and reply by text within the Voxer app.

Voxer helps us communicate and keep my business running smoothly!

I also use Voxer to communicate with my business coach, mentors and business friends. I am able to send them questions, messages and wins and they can respond when it is convenient. This keeps the communication functional without interrupting them when they are working.

The support I receive from these other entrepreneurial women is invaluable. Voxer makes it efficient and unobtrusive while retaining all the value.

Thanks, Voxer for making a product that is easy to use and inexpensive!

About Betsy

Betsy is a Product Designer for Usable and Accessible Products , Podcaster, Author, Speaker, Trainer, and App Expert.  She leverages  25 years of experience as a Speech Pathologist working with older adults and people with a wide range of disabilities and ages to help companies use technology to improve lives of all people.

Betsy is passionate about working with organizations to develop better tech products (apps and websites) to improve the lives of the users.  She has extensive experience working in clinical setting with older adults and people with disabilities.  Betsy believes we all have disabilities at some time in our lives. Whether a permanent acquired disability or a temporary disability due to illness, injury or simply too little coffee or too little sleep, usable, accessible products are better for everyone.  A product that works for your weakest user is a fantastic product for all of your users.

Betsy would love to help you reach more customers with a better, more usable product!

Contact her at betsy@yourapplady

Check out her Podcasts Apple Podcasts and Stitcher Radio 
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